Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
“Animals should live in the wild, not as pets in people’s houses”
Students write an essay explaining whether they agree or disagree with this statement.
The best phrasal verbs lesson in the universe.
Target language: phrasal verbs with take:
take over
take up
take after
take off
take in
take back
take care of
5 x multi-skill activities targeting reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills:
1. Students listen to 8 song exacts and complete the missing phrasal verbs in the lyrics.
2. Students match the phrasal verbs to definitions.
3. Students use the definitions to complete a gap fill.
4. The flashcard memory tower game to boost memory.
5. Conversation questions using the target phrasal verbs
Complete teacher’s instructions and a link to the media files (both as audio and as video) are provided.
A task card with prompts for describing a photo.
Target Language:
At the top / bottom
On the left / right
In the middle
In the foreground / background
In the top / bottom left / right corner
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.